Compilar paquete en OpenWRT

En el directorio buildroot ejecutar primero estos comandos make prereq make defconfig make menuconfig Marcamos dentro de «menuconfig» el modelo de router que tenemos: сhoose ar71xx -> wdr4300 target Marcamos dentro de «menuconfig» el paquete que queremos con M goto network -> web server & proxies -> check squid as [M] (pulsando la barra espaciadora) Ejecutamos… Leer más »

Como compilar OpenWRT con Kernel 4.3

1) copy target/linux/mvebu/config-4.0 to target/linux/mvebu/config-4.3 2) create target/linux/mvebu/patches-4.3/ directory and populate with patches from here: (courtesy of nitroshift) 3) Update KERNEL_PATCHVER in target/linux/mvebu/Makefile to 4.3 4) make sure you are on trunk as recent panic bug was fixed  ( 5) compile the image as you normally would 6) profit   Fuente: